Our last event with KHQ/Dishman Dodge was a great success. We fixed up over 80 bikes and even gave away the ones that we couldn’t/didn’t fix up. We were still about 20 bikes short of meeting demand.
Ben made a list of the people (mostly kids) that showed up and didn’t go home with a bike. Now we have a goal: get bikes to these 20 or so folks by the end of August. That will put our total to over 100 bikes that we’ve fixed up for folks that would otherwise not have a bike. We have purpose!
Right now, we have about a dozen bikes that we need to go and pick up. We still need at least 10 more, but due to sizing and part-stealing-to-get-bikes-going, we’d be a lot happier with about 15 more bikes. See our Bike Donation web page for more info if you can donate a bike.
And tires. We really need to find a source for cheap new tires; we’re getting killed on shipping for the tires and it’s costing us a fortune for otherwise really cheap tires. Got a line on cheap tires? Especially 16″ 20″ and 26″ tires — drop us a line.
Want to be involved in fixing up bikes? Send us an email: pedals2people@gmail.com