i think the bike is a tool–a vehicle that brings people together, that empowers folks, and builds healthier communities. we all hold those beliefs in our hearts at pedals2people. we love biking. it’s fun. and it makes us feel good.
critical mass is a bike event that brings people together, usually about 20 +/- in spokane. for the most part, they’re fun. my young daughter has come with me on a couple rides. she honks her horn and waves at people. i ring my bell and smile.
this year’s halloween ride pushed the envelope more than i was comfortable with.
it’s hard when you’re riding in a large group, especially a leaderless group :,,) how many lanes do you occupy? do you block intersections or split up and wait at the next light? how do you respond to angry drivers? celebration ride or protest? ask 10 different critical-massers these questions, and you’ll likely get 10 different answers.
if i’m answering, i say…
share the road, so don’t take more than two lanes.
split up and catch the group at the next light (the way lights are timed downtown, this works easily).
ignore the anger, or smile and wave it away.
and, of course, celebrate bikes!