The P2P mobile bike shop was at AM Cannon on Saturday for the West Central Neighbor Days doing Free Bike Tune-Ups. I wasn’t there, but it sounded like a success. We fixed up about 40 bikes and even got a few donations.
The volunteers: Stuart, Mike, Ben, Beth, Noah, Hank, Jeff, and Charlie.
Mr FBC blogged about here. And Mr Gigowiz blogged on it here.
Hank took a bunch of pics. I put a few here.
This is the first free bike tune-up that I was not at. We were also missing Ken and Liza.
As we build this organization, it’s stuff like this that is really satisfying — to pull off a good event like this while a core chunk of our volunteers are away — and still have it be a success.
Next up. BTW week in mid-May. We need to schedule out our June and July Free Bike Tune-Ups too.
You can see our other up-coming events at our projects page.