Ladies Night Tonight!

Ladies night is tonight from 7-9. This open-shop event is free and is only open to women. There’s is no instruction, but there will be a mechanic available to answer questions and to point you in the right direction. You will you make your own bike repairs and adjustments, and we’ll be there to help.

Maybe you want to switch your clipless pedals to flat pedals, and you just need a wrench and a quick demo. Come on by! Do you need to adjust your seat and raise your handle bars for a more comfortable ride? Please stop by. Is your bike grimy from fall and winter riding, and you haven’t gotten around to cleaning and lubing your chain lately? You guessed it–come to the shop tonight. This is a great opportunity if you don’t want to commit to class and you just want to work on your own bike.

Bring your bike to the shop: 1802 E Sprague.

This event repeats every second Tuesday of the month.

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