Some final GLOOMSDAY notes to get you through the last day of the work week:

1. GLOOMSDAY IS NOT A RACE.  It is a fun, safe, and inclusive group ride.  If you want to race, you’re in luck!!  The Bloomsday route is open year round for you to race on 24/7/365.  GLOOMSDAY is for slowing down, meeting folks, and becoming comfortable riding in groups.  Then rewarding yourself with drinks.

2.  Meet at the shop at 6!  If you’re riding, walking, busing, or driving, please meet us at the shop for two reasons: to check out the shop AND you will have no clue where you’re going if you don’t meet at Pedals2People (1527 E 26th) beforehand.  The shop is open from 11am to 6pm if your bicycle needs a little love before the ride.  At 6 we will organize, find leaders for each route, and let those driving and riding know where we’re ending up.

3. Bring snacks if you want.  Our destination offers no food, but is food/snack friendly.  Bring some chips or crackers or whatever to share or not to share if you want something to soak up your drinking.

4. While there will be free beverages, they were donated by friends of P2P.  PLEASE bring money to tip/show your appreciation for local, homegrown businesses supporting P2P.


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