Monday starts Bike to Whatever (BTW) Week

It’s usually referred to as Bike to Work week, but Spokane is branching out this year and making May 10-16th, Bike To Whatever week: bike to eat, bike to play, bike to school, bike to shop. You get the idea : ,,) This opens BTW to college students, school kids, stay-at-home or work-from-home folk, retirees, and everyone else. Why limit the possibilities to biking to work only?

Please check out the BiketoWorkSpokane website for all the cool happenings! Monday morning at Riverfront Park marks the kick off with a free pancake breakfast.

And if you commute from the south hill, come by our energizer booth on Wednesday for some homemade goodies, coffee from Apple Charlotte Cooking Co, and spoke cards designed by local artist, Patrick Sullivan–Corner of 20th and Sherman at Plum Tree School.

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