P2P offers a program called Build a Beater (BAB). For $50 you can purchase a used bike frame, parts, and one month’s worth of shop time to completely build a beater: a good-enough bike to get you around town. It’s a great program, and it’s been popular with do-it-yourselfers and people who’re interested in building a bike that is uniquely theirs.
If you’re looking to build a older mountain bike or step-thru ladies bike for your commute, then we can still provide the BAB program to you. However, if you’re hoping to build a fixie, you’ll have to check back later because we’re out of road bike frames. Until we get more donations, that part of the BAB isn’t available.
We still sell complete bikes, tons of used parts, and of course we have open shop hours available all spring and summer. Check our calendar for days and times.
Please give us a call if you’d like to make a donation 842-6597.