we had another productive meeting at vien dong’s today. usually, we do a lot of premeeting discussion through email. we get our thoughts out in writing before our bi-monthly meetings, which is nice for people like me who mull stuff over before verbally commiting to something. our lunch meetings are reserved for decision making instead of hashing stuff out, and this process seems to work for our group cause we sure get things done in 1 hour.
today we decided to plan a garage night, just for organizing stuff–no bike work. we need to sort stuff, find homes for everthing, clean, and clear things out where ever possible. in the short time we’ve been working in the garage, the accumulation of bikes and parts has been overwhelming. we have wheels tucked in small places all over the garage, parts laying all over, and unmarked boxes with unknown pieces hiding inside. with at least 4 people working at any given time, it’s too much chaos. we sorted out some other things like call lists,bike logs,repair tags.
we also agreed that we’d like to do a bike-to-market day at the spokane farmers’ market this fall. this was suggested by our friend dena, who does the marketing for the farmers’ market. it’s a great chance for some fundraising, and it synchs up with our message of sustainability and community action. and like beth and i like to joke, if the slow-food movement is all the rage right now, why not share some of that momentum and promote the slow-transportation movement. it’s happening folks, right here in spokane!
kathleen is moving into a different role with pedals2people. she will still be a committed volunteer, but she’d like to have more flexibiliy in her role. being a steering committee member means regular meetings, all those emails I mentioned before, attending events, making multiple phone calls and then some. thank you kathleen for all your input and help so far.
all good happenings, a little mundane for most, but all necessary details to work through. what a great idea to team lunch with our meeting. if it wasn’t for that, i would have missed out on vien dong’s awesome avocado smoothie. go to 1730 E Sprague, bring $3, and slurp down one of these amazing little drink-treats. the texture, sweetness, and flavor are pure perfection. so yummy after a ride in the summer heat.