i saw an old friend, lisa, at the free tune-up event today. she was with her family at the fair. zoe showed me her balloon doggie. lisa came over to say hi, and asked if i always worked. the last time we saw each other was when she stopped by where i work to ask about a new bike. she was smiling when she asked me this question, and i smiled when i responded, “this isn’t work. this is fun!”
ask any of the P2P volunteers that were there today, and they’ll tell you the same thing: we had a ball! it’s exhausting, rewarding, satisfying, and totally enjoyable to do a tune-up event. but a lot like when you cook a yummy meal for your friends. you feel happy providing something homemade that brings people together and nurtures the soul. i feel the same way about these tune-up events. we provide something good, but we get so much happiness in return. beth, mike,john,ken, ben, jace and klay worked so smoothly together today. it was awesome being a part of it all.
The Shop hosted us at their spot from 10-2, just like they did last year. Thanks guys for the awning, the bottomless container of cold water, and the huge chunk of space in your parking lot. don’t forget to check out the summer movies at the Shop this summer. Top Gun shows tonight at dusk! http://www.theshop.bz/