Welcome New Board Member: Jeff Juel

JeffJuelJeff Juel recently joined Pedals2People Board of Directors in October. He has worked with conservation groups for 25 years, helping to preserve and restore public lands. He as also been a school psychologist and environmental activist. Jeff has lived in Spokane for over six years and enjoys many of the outdoor activities the region offers. He prefers riding bikes far more that commuting in cars, likes tinkering with bikes, and loves the feeling of freedom that riding provides.


Board Profile: Sara Stiles

Sara is serving her first term as Member at Large while living and working in Spokane. She grew up in Spokane, attended the University of Portland and returned to the Valley to work as an elementary school teacher. Passionate about her community, Sara spends her free time volunteering, attending local events, and supporting Spokane’s art and biking communities.

New P2P President

Annie first came to P2P four years ago when we were located at the east Sprague shop. Annie was prepping to do a bike tour at the time. She had questions. She came. She learned some things about her bike and P2P. Seems like things have come full circle, cycling back to our roots of education and outreach–passions for both Pedals and Annie.

Annie is a GU grad, bike lover, admin at North by Northwest and enthusiastic community supporter.

This also means we have a secretary position open – email us!